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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Too Skinny for Ralph!


Ok Guys…

Filippa Hamilton is a wonderful model and is over weight by “NO” means! She clearly does not look like this!!!

It is unfortunate she has been fired from
RALPH LAUREN… But, if she was disable to meet her contract obligations then Ralph has the right, like any company to let her go.
On the other hand, this latest image has caused an uproar! The
“distorted image” is horrible example for women of today…

What do you think?


  1. She's totally not "FAT"! But, has anyone thought about the fact that Ralph Lauren may want a younger model again? Or just a new Face!
    The photo looks horrible...

  2. OMG!The retoucher should be done..

  3. GREAT BLOG Ms. MI! You know it is getting out of control... Too skinny walks in my door every single day!
