You're probably wondering where we're going with makeup today, right? We see how it shows up on the red carpet, on television, in videos, in magazines, etc… Are you aware of how it shows up on the political landscape? So where did makeup show up this time?
“The 2010 Census”
Recently, I had the chance to work with the United States Secretary of Commerce, Gary Locke, and the 2010 Census. For those of you who don't know, Locke was the first Chinese American Governor. Marking him as the first and only Chinese American Governor in U.S. history.
It was a pleasure and an honor working with the Secretary. And for a few hours, "yours truly" had a front row seat at politics in America and it helped give me a clear understanding of why each of our voices really DO matter.
It's interesting how we as Americans tend to complain so much about what we do and what we don't have, we lose perspective on essentially how good we really do have it in this country. We don't think about supporting and helping others who are less fortunate in places such as Haiti (a country struggling on a daily basis let alone trying to manage through a devastating Earthquake), until major crisis hits.
Which brings me to my point. Fill out your Census when you receive it.
The 2010 Census form will be sent out in March to the United States and Puerto Rico. The Census is important for a number of reasons. The data collected by the Census also helps determine the number of seats your state has in the U.S. House of Representatives.
It also helps communities receive federal funds each year for hospitals, emergency services, bridges, tunnels, transportation, schools, and other public works projects. In a country like ours, natural disasters such as hurricanes, flooding, fire and earthquakes happen. So on a base level, fill it out and make sure you and your family are accounted for. It can help ensure your community has the best chance at protecting emergency services, etc.
This means a lot, especially to those of us here in California as we may lose a seat this year if most of the people do not fill it out. So fill out the Census when you get it. It takes five minutes or less, about the time it takes to read this blog.
And as far as what type of makeup I used on the Secretary…